After weeks in internet hiatus (someone dropped the ball and the internet disappeared), I am so happy to be back online! Just in time for back to school...
Yep, it's that glorious time of year. The time of year you get to drive yourself thousands of dollars into debt for the pursuit of knowledge, nevermind the extra hundreds for the texts required. (It sounds like I am complaining, but I really do love school, hence the reason I am still in school after eons).
It's also the time of year that the subtle changes in the daylight become glaringly obvious, and the temperature returns to a state of relative normality, neither too cold nor too warm.
The dip in temperature made the crochet bug bite again--I am again enthralled with all the arm warmer patterns I discovered months ago.
The return to school also meant moving back to the city I just left a year ago, and I have been discovering all sorts of changes that have occurred in the past year or so. Including--to my excitement--an eco-dedicated store on the main street. It specializes in all sorts of things eco, from cleaning products to toys for children and stainless steel water bottles. And that was when it wasn't even fully stocked!! The grand opening is this Friday, the 18th. I am so excited!
In other news, my favourite person here in blogland has just announced she's having a baby! If you know Attic24, go give her some 'grats.
A few weeks ago there was the FanExpo here in Ontario, in Toronto. It was pretty awesome, but that'll be for another time (with pictures, let's hope!