Wednesday, October 21, 2009

For All the "Smelly Hippies" Out There

I know I have one posted already, but I tried out a deodorant recipe that I thought sounded good. It ended up being FANTASTIC. It works as well as commercial brands so far (for me--and remember it's deodorant not antiperspirant) and it smells wonderful. (By the way, the "smelly hippie" thing isn't me being mean, I saw it on another blog and thought it was funny. Stereotypes of people who want to go eco amuse me sometimes. Just a little self-humour).

So here it is!
DIY All-Natural Deodorant
1. Mix together ¼ cup of cornstarch with ¼ cup of baking soda
2. Optional: add your choice of essential oils if you’d like your deodorant scented
3. Add 2 tbsp. of coconut oil and a few drops of skin-softening, vitamin E
4. Blend everything together until it form a silky mass
5. Pack the mix into an old deodorant stick casing
6. Get creative and create your own clever label to stick on the front of your homemade odor-eater
(found at

Yeah, you do need an old deodorant stick casing, so save a few. The batch I made probably could have filled four, but I only had two so I just put the rest in a little container to save. I also played around with it a little bit--I added a little bit more oil and corn starch, I believe...Just work with it until it hits a texture you like.
I used lime oil and the combination of the virgin coconut oil and the lime oil made a really nice smell, like lime-coconut pie or something!

TIP: DON'T store the deodorant on its side. Coconut oil grows soft very easily and the deodorant will sort of settle to one side if it is laying on its side. Unless you don't mind smooshing it back into place! The top also dries a little bit between uses--if you don't like the slighly rough feeling (it isn't that bad, honestly) then just scrape a teeny layer off before applying.

Hope you like, but if you do--go give some props to the person who came up with it :D


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